Saturday, August 07, 2004

Phil, Sophie, and other short stories...

there was a lil boy once, named phil. he was a melancholic boy. given over to malaise. one dat wuld generally be called in popular terms as a "lost cause". he would spend days brooding over nothingness. a brown study enveloped him.
then there was a lil gurl called sophie. bubbly, cheerful, frothing over with the ingredients of a joyous broth. a perfect caricature of joi de vivre. they used to go to the same school.
their teachers name was life. calm and serene; she was the embodiment of tranquility and peace. she was a silent observer of phil n sophie; their guide and mentor. she would often wonder about the world divide between phil and sophie. she befriended the two. she would sit for hours and talk about wat she was all about.
(directors input: cut to 20 years in the future) phil and sophie have grown up. both have matured... or at least tried to. but life never did change. age had not touched her. the passing years had not blemished her countenance. the vagaries of existence had not disturbed her composure. she showed them a glass.. the prism of life. light culd change its appearance depending on which end you looked at. it could at once be holistic... or defracted. but in any form... it was beautiful. phil and sophie heard all this and went back to their own worlds.

moral of the story: i dont know wat philosophy is all abt. i dont know wat crap i write. life is a stranger to me. and i totally believe in cogito ergo sum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life is. I am. And that's the whole truth.